The One Thing You Should Do On The Path To Living An Authentic Life

Mary Ann Lopez
6 min readOct 2, 2021
Photo by Meriç Dağlı on Unsplash

Recently I learned that an animal rescue group I support will not ever allow two puppies from the same litter to be adopted into the same home. It’s called Littermate Syndrome, and it seems to allow puppies of the same age to live together leads to — in the simplest terms — one puppy becoming codependent, having behavioral issues and never fully becoming the dog it could be. If the dog started out as a happy puppy, it may end up being anxious, extremely shy and withdrawn along with having a whole host of other behavior problems.

Pondering this idea of losing oneself before having the chance to self-actualize, I considered our use of social media and how it impacts our abilities to become the people we are meant to be.

Quite a leap, right? Though they are not the same thing, for sure, consider this: Our environment, what we interact with, and what we consume does have a direct impact on who we are, how we develop and how we view ourselves in and of the world.

Thinking back to my childhood and the things I experienced — whether directly in my environment or through tv, books or magazines — it is evident to me that my consumption created expectations of who I could be if I presented myself in specific ways. How I dressed, cut my hair, how much I weighed, the music I listened to, all…



Mary Ann Lopez

I’m a writer who is trying not to take herself too seriously. Genres include personal essay, lifestyle, health & wellness, mindfulness and manifestation.